Adult Piano Beginners

Make a beautiful sound at the piano whilst developing the right technique.

Mastering Circular Motion in Piano: My Technique for Beginners

adult piano beginners circular motion marcel zidani piano techniques piano tutorial reading piano notes wrist circles Sep 28, 2023


Hello, it's Marcel Zidani here. Today, I'd like to share some insights from my recent video tutorial on mastering the circular motion technique in piano, especially tailored for adult beginners.


The Essence of Circular Motion

Circular motion is not just a technique; it's an art. It's about achieving fluidity and grace in your playing. In the video, I demonstrated how the wrist circles play a pivotal role in achieving this fluidity. By focusing on wrist circles, you can make your playing smoother and more connected.


Solace: A Practical Example

In the video, I used the piece "Solace" as a practical example to showcase the application of circular motion. The left hand movement in "Solace" predominantly involves wrist circles. While you can use finger independence, I've always found the circular motion to be more efficient and graceful.


Reading the Left Hand Notes

For many self-taught pianists, reading the left-hand notes can be a challenge. In the video, I provided a detailed guide on how to read these notes, especially when they are intertwined with the right hand. Understanding the direction of the stem and the notation is crucial.


The Right Hand and Tied Notes

The right hand, in contrast, has many tied notes. In the video, I emphasized the importance of holding these notes for the correct duration to maintain the melody's flow.


Spotting Patterns

One of the key takeaways from the video was the importance of spotting patterns in music. By identifying recurring patterns, you can simplify the learning process and make your practice sessions more efficient.


Experience It Yourself:

If you're curious to see this technique in action and learn from my personal insights, check out my detailed adult piano beginners course here.



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