Adult Piano Beginners

Make a beautiful sound at the piano whilst developing the right technique.

Piano Progress: The Power of Regular Practice

Apr 02, 2024

Greetings adult piano beginners!

Today, I want to discuss a topic that's often overlooked in the pursuit of musical mastery: the importance of regular practice. You see, the key to progress isn't necessarily found in marathon practice sessions lasting hours on end. Instead, it's about finding a balance between quality and quantity, focusing on short bursts of focused practice.

Picture this: 20 minutes of dedicated practice, followed by a well-deserved rest. It may not seem like much, but trust me, it works wonders. Why? Because our brains are incredibly efficient at absorbing information when given time to rest and consolidate what we've learned.

Think of it this way: when you cram all your practice into one session, you're essentially glossing over many areas that could benefit from detailed and focused work. By spreading out your practice sessions, you allow yourself to dive deeper into each piece or technique, truly understanding and mastering it before moving on.

When we practice the piano, we're essentially rewiring our brain circuits to improve motor skills, memory, and coordination. Regular practice strengthens these neural connections, making it easier for us to play more complex pieces over time.

And here's the beauty of it: the work that isn't covered in one session won't magically disappear. Your brain retains that information, allowing you to pick up right where you left off in your next practice session.

Now, let's talk technique. Whether you're working on scales, arpeggios, or other studies, the same principle applies: focus on one or two techniques at a time. Break them down into manageable chunks, whether it's playing a few staccato scales or focusing solely on ascending the scale.

By focusing on small sections of a piece, we can effectively tackle challenging passages and commit them to memory more efficiently. This technique leverages our brain's ability to process information in chunks, enhancing overall learning and retention.

If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to piano practice techniques, look no further than my Adult Piano Beginners online course. I cover everything from effective practice routines to mastering the acclaimed Hey Presto Piano Method Book. Plus, I offer regular live online sessions to provide personalised guidance and support.

But remember, progress isn't a race. Avoid comparing yourself to others, as we all come from different backgrounds and learning experiences. Some may have prior piano experience, while others are complete beginners. And let's not forget that different age groups learn more effectively and in different ways.

So instead of comparing, embrace your own journey. Enjoy the process of learning and growing as a musician. And remember, with regular practice and a bit of patience, you'll be amazed at how far you can go.

Until next time, happy practicing!

Link to Adult Piano Beginners online course:


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